Amazing lemon benefits, including strengthening immunity against viruses

Lemon fruits have many benefits for health and beauty

Because these fruits contain many essential nutrients, such as: B vitamin group, potassium, magnesium, zinc.

:Here are some of lemon's health benefits

♦ Strengthens the immune system and reduces the toxins of the body. 

♦ Helps dissolve gallstones and kidneys and helps to remove calcium salts from the body.

* Useful in resisting cases of leaching and flu.

♦ Cleans the liver, secretes the gallbladder and analyzes toxic substances.

♦ Strengthens the wall of blood vessels to prevent bleeding.

* Helps balance blood pressure. 

♦ It is used in many skin recipes because it whitens it and unifys its color and softness.

Be sure to eat lemon juice or add it to salads and soup daily to strengthen your body's immunity.


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